Monday, July 30, 2012

Soul-Tuning Booth

July 2012
Art Installation at Organic Valley Corporate Headquarters, LaFarge, Wisconsin

The Soul-Tuning Booth features four doors created by four artists:
Linda Kenzle made the Book/Literature Door (images above),
Peter Daniels created a Communications Door,
Ellen Rehyer's Door features Flowers & People,
& Ira Slatter's Door is about Expression.

The interactive exhibit is entered-music plays, windchimes and flowers, along with a book
of inspirational quotes, and fortunes are enjoyed
as the participant slowly spins on a vintage
piano stool while absorbing the primal images on the insides of the four doors.
Once the Tune-Up is completed the participant may exit any of the four doors.

Kenzle's Door,  featuring a tree of banned books, will now be traveling singly to libraries
for Banned Books Week and just for the pleasure of encouraging people to read.
This door is dedicated to Ray Bradbury (author of "Fahrenheit 451"  and other insightful books)
and Johannes Gutenberg.(Father of The Printing Revolution).


The BookHead logo copyright 2012 by Linda Fry Kenzle
The BookHead Project

The Catalyzers
Ellen Rehyer, Linda Fry Kenzle, Ira Slatter,
Peter Daniels

August -November 2012
Here's the newly-refurbished door (a half-gallon of rain got inside the tarped door during transportation!). It is now on-loan to the Hildebrandt Library.
December 2012
Arts Collective, Gays Mills, WI

Watch for travel updates!
The Tree of Knowledge Door
Linda Kenzle

(Contact me if you wish to have the door at your library.)


* R A D I A T E *